Capsule Review

Capsule Reviews: Harry Potter Films

Ranking: 4 Pips = Great  | 3 Pips = Good | 2 Pips = Okay | 1 Pip = Bad

Photo credit: Warner Brothers
Photo credit: Warner Brothers

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (2001)

Anika: 2 Pips

I feel the first two films are too anchored to the source material. And pretty much everything from acting to effects to design improves over the course of the films, which makes the first the least polished. But Ron’s “I’ll be a knight.” is one of my favorite moments in the entire series.

Sam: 4 Pips

In college, my girlfriend’s roommate snottily said to me “you’re stupid if you haven’t read Harry Potter.” It was 1999, there were only three books out, and my girlfriend’s roommate was a jerkface. Anyway, fast forward a few years and I was dealing with a bout of insomnia, home over winter break, and some saw three minutes of the first Harry Potter movie on HBO. It happened to be three minutes of quidditch. I was in. It felt magical and different, even for someone who grew up reading and watching fantasy. It was a whole new world for me. I immediately went out and read every available book. Do I actually remember how good the movie is? No? But the sense of wonder is still with me.

Photo credit: Warner Brothers
Photo credit: Warner Brothers

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)

Anika: 3 Pips

This film introduced me to Harry Potter and the Wizarding World and for that I will always be grateful. It’s also the reason Ginny Weasley is my favorite character and Draco/Ginny my favorite ship. It really needs a stronger edit (I swear they play quidditch for half an hour) but I have a lot of affection for this one.

Sam: 1 Pips

I legitimately can’t remember what this movie was about. A snake? Possibly Moaning Myrtle? Ugh, sorry.

Photo credit: Warner Brothers
Photo credit: Warner Brothers

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)

Anika: 4 Pips

This film is beautiful. Probably the objective ‘best’ film. Hogwarts really comes alive and I love that the Whomping Willow is a supporting character. The scenes between Lupin and Harry are amazing and Sirius speaking with Harry at the end actually improves on the book.

Sam:  2 1/2 Pips

I really liked Sirius?  And the bus. And, actually, the fleshing out of the history and mythology of the wizarding world. But I don’t remember a ton of the plot… and I think this is around where Harry started grating on me and I wished the series were about Hermione.

Photo credit: Warner Brothers
Photo credit: Warner Brothers

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)

Anika: 4 Pips

My favorite of the films. I love high school movies and I love sports movies and this is both of those while also being about magic and standing up to evil and making good choices and there’s even awkward romance and DRAGONS. Hands down my favorite.

Sam: 4 Pips

That Cedric sure is dreamy. *hearteyes* This is maybe my favorite of the books (toss up with Half-Blood Prince) and I was pretty satisfied with the movie adaptation. I like seeing wizards from outside of Hogwarts/the United Kingdom (or I did, until this recent American stuff). Also Fleur was perfectly cast. *more hearteyes*

Photo credit: Warner Brothers
Photo credit: Warner Brothers

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)

Anika: 3 Pips

Luna Lovegood is the MVP of HP films 5-8 and I adore her from the minute she appears. Bellatrix, too. Everything about Dumbledore’s Army is perfect and my girl Ginny gets to be a badass. And as a hardcore James/Sirius shipper Sirius’s last line makes me GASP and SWOON every time.

Sam: 3 Pips

This was one of the first movies I saw in 3D, and it was a lot of fun. We had to put on glasses just for some scenes: a broom flight in the beginning, and the big battle at the end (all that crashing glass looked great). Plus: TONKS. I love me some Tonks.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)

Photo credit: Warner Brothers
Photo credit: Warner Brothers

Anika: 2 1/2 Pips

This movie is so weird! Not bad? Just sort of…off? The pacing is strange and there is zero build up to the Half-Blood Prince reveal (if I hadn’t read the books I would not know or care why it matters). And why doesn’t Ron speak in the last scene?!?! But Draco’s storyline is everything I want it to be and someday I am going to write a novel about the muggle barista who flirts with Harry at the very beginning because she is my favorite.

Sam: ? Pips

I have heard this is a great movie. I loved the book. I should probably watch it at some point.

Photo credit: Warner Brothers
Photo credit: Warner Brothers

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One (2010)

Anika: 3 1/2 Pips

I think this movie is as good as it could possibly be given everything it has to do. It loses a half pip for the lack of Regulus Black.

Sam: ? Pips

I know! I know! I’m sorry. 🙁

Photo credit: Warner Brothers
Photo credit: Warner Brothers

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part Two (2011)

Anika: 4 Pips

I love this movie so much. It’s the only one that comes close to knocking Goblet of Fire off the top spot. The battle is really well done. The Malfoys are perfect in every way. Snape’s memories are everything (bb Sirius is da bomb). Hermione and Harry and Ron on the steps make me ugly cry. Dumbledore only shows up to say my very favorite line in all the books which is exactly the amount of Dumbledore I want. And Harry has two moments that are not book canon that just fill me with glee. Pure glee right now thinking about it.

Sam: I’m going to assume 1 Pip

Listen, I hated the way the book ended, from who died at the Battle of Hogwarts to the epilogue. I can’t imagine seeing it in film would make it better for me.

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